2007-2010 part of editorial committee of quarterly Fronesis, from 2016 part of editorial reference group
Editor of 3 issues:
no 21 Kunskap (2006)
editor together with Anders & Anne-Sofie Kalat
an issue on knowledge, education and power: the Western world is increasingly described in terms of a “knowledge society”. A larger and larger part of the population is spending a long time in educational institutions. And knowledge is increasingly talked about as goods that are “produced”. What happens with the Enlightenment idea of knowledge as the prime vehicle for liberation in a time like ours?no 31 Kultur och politik (2009)
eurozine summary
eurozine table of contents
no 35 Human Nature (2011)
editor together with Jonas Olofsson and Johan Örestig
eurozine summary
eurozine table of contents
Barry K Gills (2014 ) ” Dit pepparn växer”, Fronesis no 46-47, pp 142-159, with Alva Bexell. Original “Going South: capitalist crisis, systemic crisis, civilisational crisis,” Third World Quarterly, Vol 31, no 2, 2010, pp 169-184.
Mark Duffield (2013) “Globalt inbördeskrig” Fronesis no 38-39, pp 146-169. with Ive Brissman. Original “Global Civil War. The Non-Insured, International Containment and Post-Interventionary Society, Journal of Refugee Studies, vol 21, no 2 (2008), pp 145-165
Haraway, Donna (2011) ”När arter möts” Fronesis no 35, pp 174-203. Original ”When species meet. Introductions”, i Donna Haraway When species meet, pp 3-42
O’Regan, Tom (2009) ”Kulturpolitik: förnyelse eller förfall?” Fronesis no 31, pp 120-142. Original ”Cultural Policy Rejuvenate or Whither?” Professorial Lecture Griffith University Australia.
Young, Iris Marion (2009) ”Aktivism vs deliberativ demokrati” Fronesis no 29-30. Original ”Activist challenges to deliberative democracy” , Political Theory , vol 29 nr 5 (Oct 2001), pp 670-690
Peck, Jamie (2007) ”Kreativitet som lösningen på allt”, Fronesis no 21, pp 174-191. Original ”The creativity fix”, edited version of chapter in Keil and Mahon (eds) The Political Economy of scale (2007). Also published in swe/eng at www.eurozine.com
Latour, Bruno (2006) ”Från sakligheter till angelägenheter” , Fronesis no 21, pp 58- 73. Original ”Which Rules of Methods for the New Scientific Experiments”, lecture at Darmstadt Colloquium 2001.
Laclau, Ernesto & Roy Bhaskar (2005) ‘Diskursteori kontra kritisk realism’, Fronesis, no 19/20, pp 178-92. Original “Discourse theory vs critical realism”.
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