a new university was going to open in Malmö in 1998, and with it the School of Art and Communication, K3. It proudly came with it’s own manifesto (Pelle Ehn (1998) A Manifesto for the Digital Bauhaus) and teachers, artists and researchers were coming from near and far to make it happen.
First as a doctoral student in interaction design (in the Interactive Institute-funded Narrativity Studio), later as a senior lecturer in the same subject and responsible of the media and communication studies program and finally as head of the culture and media departement I was part of this endeavour between 1998-2007.
reminiscences can be found in:
Gislén, Ylva, Åsa Harvard & Maria Hellström (2008) ” The Everyday Poetics of the Digital Bauhaus” in Binder, Thomas, Jonas Löwgren & Lone Malmborg (ed) (Re)Searching the Digital Bauhaus, Springer Verlag, London; p 333-352
Gislén, Ylva (2008) “S-Scen” (S-stage) in Inger Lindstedt (ed) ABC K3, Malmö University (anthology at the occasion of K3 10th year anniversary)
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