writing about performing arts
In total around 700 performing arts reviews between 1989-2005
Sydsvenska Dagbladet 1989-1998 (third largest newspaper) and Svenska Dagbladet (second largest newspaper in Sweden, national coverage).
During the same years I also wrote number of more extensive reviewing articles/essays as well as interviews with artists, in books and cultural magazines. Here is a selection:
Ylva Gislén (1995) “Vi möblerar om hela staden!” (“we are transforming the city!”) in Nöjesguiden no 4/1995 (interviews with Jonas Jarl, Torsten Schenlaer, Christina Gottfridsson, Klas Abrahamsson & Lars Arrhed)
Ylva Gislén (1997) “Staffan Valdemar Holm” in Entré no 1/1997, p 2-18, Riksteatern, Stockholm.
Ylva Gislén (2000) ”En imponerande täckning och livaktighet – ändå vill jag påstå att läget är kärvt” in Benedik, Judit (ed) Och nu då? – barnteatern inför 2000-talet (2000), Swedish Arts Council and Swedish ASSITEJ, Stockholm: pp 58-80. Overview and discussion of Swedish theatre for children, translated to German in Schneider, Wolfgang (ed) (2003) Kinder- und Jugendtheater in Schweden, Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag
Gislén, Ylva (2004) ”Sweden” in Majumdar, Ramendu m fl (ed) World of Theatre, International Theatre Institute (UNESCO), Paris, Bangladesh: pp 199-205
“Lust, skönhet och moral” (Beauty, desire and ethics) in Teatertidningen no 4/04 (2004), p 16-17 (text exploring the sensual and ethical aspects on notions of “taste” in relation to performing arts)
”Skådespelaren i centrum” (the actor at center stage) in Dahlqvist, Jörgen & Rikard Loman (ed) Teaterrapport: Malmö (2008), Jena Förlag, Malmö; pp 27-30 (anthology describing and discussing the particularities of the performing arts scene in Malmö, Sweden)
See also the report on independent theatre funding, the work on gender issues in performing arts and the report on Operaverkstan in Malmö.
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