performing gender
issues of gender and inequality started to move into focus round the millennium in the Swedish performing arts field, especially among the younger artists. I served as a “critical friend” to some of the teachers at the Theatre Academy in Malmö and moderated long term talks and discussions amongst the students there. In the pedagogical and artistic project “performing gender” that involved all the Swedish theatre academies 2007-2009 I functionned as an external collaborator and educated “core teachers” (see Gunilla Edemo & Ida Engvoll (2009) Att gestalta kön, the final project report.
See also:
Gislén, Ylva (2006) ”Teaterns skiftande kvaliteter” (“The shifting qualities of the theatre”) in Plats på scen- betänkande av Kommittén för jämställdhet inom scenkonstområdet, Swedish Ministry of Culture (SOU 2006: 42), pp 430-442
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